Thames Building Supplies moved onto Trader after running manual order books and spreadsheets to process customer orders and record transactions. Here we look at how they are getting on.


Builders’ merchants Thames Building Supplies have been well-respected suppliers for London, Essex and the surrounding counties for the past 20 years. They offer a wide range of high quality materials and products for construction firms both large and small, but this long-established company decided that the time was right to adapt in order to continue to provide customers with the level of service they’ve come to expect.

As such, Thames Building Supplies’ Taj Sanghera enquired about Integrity Software’s Trader point of sale system for merchants. As of February 2013, Taj and Thames Building Supplies have been using Integrity Trader in order to help shop floor staff provide the best possible service to their customers.

Digitising processes

Before Integrity Trader, Taj and Thames Building Suppliers employed manual order books and spreadsheets in order to process customer orders and record transactions. As the company grew, this approach began to seem less and less efficient, so clearly the time was right to digitise. As such, the company took on Integrity Trader in order to automate point-of-sale data records, stocktaking and order processing. As the company previously monitored stock levels by eye rather than undertaking a formal stocktaking process, Taj is looking forward to implementing Trader’s stock control functionality and expects a far more accurate, efficient approach to stock management in future.

Building a relationship

At the time we spoke to Taj, Thames Building Supplies had been using Integrity Trader for just over seven months and the company was beginning to form a very valuable relationship with Integrity Software. Naturally, there were one or two teething problems when implementing the system at first, but Taj stresses that Integrity’s support teams helped to iron these out as quickly as possible. Thames Building Suppliers are waiting for a lull in trade before implementing Trader’s stock control aspects, but Taj is anticipating great things once he’s free to give the software the green light.

Why Integrity Trader?

Since Thames Building Supplies began using Integrity Trader, Taj has noticed a distinct improvement in a number of core retail processes. Taj has described Trader’s point-of-sale functionality as ‘sharp and quick,’ is impressed with how user-friendly the software is and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to other builders’ merchants. Taj is also pleased with the level of detail included in Trader’s point-of-sale reports, with the information the system provides particularly useful for the company. Taj is looking forward to seeing how the Integrity Trader system grows and develops along with his company, driving both to achieve even greater things over time. 

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