In a competitive retail marketplace it is important to maintain a high quality and consistent level of service to achieve customer satisfaction and build loyalty. When business is moving at a fast pace, however, it can be difficult to find the time to evaluate where improvements could be made. A number of builders’ merchants are often too concerned with maintaining a steady flow of trade to recognise what a difference upgrading to a more intelligent and beneficial retail software solution could make, believing that their business is doing fine as it is. For those builders’ merchants that are not satisfied with ‘fine’ and would rather become more efficient and successful, there’s Integrity Trader. Here are just five things that will improve under builders’ merchant point-of-sale software.

1. Sales and ordering

Easily one of the most time-consuming tasks any retailer has to complete, trying to create invoices by hand can be nightmare, especially when you’ve other important jobs on your list – such as stocktaking. With a builders’ merchant software programme that can be tailored specifically to suit your needs, invoices can be created in a matter of moments. You can use Trader software to automatically bring together information relating to your products and customers as soon as your customer has purchased goods from you, so you can provide them with an invoice or the appropriate receipts instantly. All information will automatically be stored on the computer for you so you needn’t worry about taking the time to carefully file it away.

2. Customer service

At Integrity Trader we’re able to produce such useful builders’ merchant software because we understand the industry, so we know just how important it is to provide excellent customer service. Your customers will appreciate your efficiency and helpfulness, ultimately helping to increase brand loyalty. By being able to view all your customer details, including special pricing terms, agreed credit limits and accounts balances at the click of a button, you can gain increased control of accounts and be provided with more upsell opportunities. If you can’t quite remember one customer’s details, your point-of-sale software will do the job for you.

3. Stock management

We know how lengthy the process of stocktaking can be, and how damaging it can be to your business if you get the figures wrong. For this reason, Trader helps you by automatically updating your stock levels when items are sold. It even alerts you when products are out of stock or running low so that you can ensure more is ordered before you disappoint your customers. When stock levels are maintained by eye there is always room for error and inaccuracies, so using your point-of-sale software to ensure the figures are always accurate will not only help you save time, but money too.

4. Profit reporting

As an ambitious business it is important to always keep on top of your sales performance in order to monitor just how well you are doing, what improvements you could make and where to take your business moving forward. With Trader, you will have better visibility of sales performance and closer control of sales margins, as you will have access to accurate management information and detailed sales analysis in just a few clicks of the mouse. You can create quick, last minute and accurate reports on sales performance by customer, product or staff member, and make important decisions based on the information shown in the reports.

5. Promotions

With so many time-consuming processes to concern yourself with, promoting your business or your products is probably the least of your priorities. However, if you want to compete and stand out in your industry then promoting your brand ought to assume a greater level of priority in future. With the time you save on other day-to-day processes, you can focus on your sales and promotions and use Trader to help you manage them. From organising promotions to evaluating your best customers and learning how to better target your promotions, your business could achieve greater success in no time at all thanks to intelligent point-of-sale software such as Integrity Trader.

If you previously thought you could get by without point-of-sale software but would now like to find out more about how your business could benefit from builders’ merchant software, why not contact the team today to discuss your options?