Point-of-sale and retail software can save businesses money by identifying areas where discounts will be most successful, ensuring that stock levels are always at a good level and eliminating the cost of sending invoices and quotes via post. However, it can also make savings in an indirect way – by saving the time of your staff. A recent survey found that SMEs thought that time was the biggest barrier to their growth – not money. Point-of-sale software isn’t just about providing your business with clear and immediate savings – it’s also able to speed up tedious tasks and allow you and your staff to attend to other, more important matters.

Processing sales

Point-of-sale software significantly speeds up the time you deal with customers at the till. No more totting up order totals on calculators or writing down the info you need to create an invoice – instead, it’s all done electronically. The information in the software’s database is up-to-date, with information on any discounts or offers you’ve applied.

Electronic stock control and ordering

Our new clients are astonished at the amount of time they save when stock is counted and controlled electronically. Trader retail software means that you no longer have to walk around your shop with a clipboard and pen – every time stock is bought or sold, the software takes note of it. When stock falls below a certain level more will ordered automatically, if you so wish. How will your staff make use of all the extra time that electronic stock control gives them?

Electronic accounts

If you’re still keeping your accounts in a physical ledger, you’re certainly stuck in the last century! Point-of-sale software keeps track of every purchase and expense that your retail business accrues. You can also easily manage discounts from Trader, and check margins on every product that you stock and sell. Overall, electronic accounts give you instant access to an incredible amount of information that you can use during each individual transaction, when ordering new stock or organising discounts. You don’t need to manually dig through your records to collate information to act on – your retail software does it for you.

Email quotations

Instead of sending out quotations through the post or printing them out at the counter, you can quickly email quotations directly to your customers and clients. You can even do this if they aren’t actually in the shop – saving you even more time. These quotations are automatically generated using information contained in your database. Simply select the customer and the products they’re buying, and the software will do the rest for you.

Report templates

If you’re reporting sales performance back to someone higher up in the business or you just want to make your staff aware of trends in your store’s sales, you no longer need to dedicate days to putting together reports. Instead, make use of the software’s report templates, which will quickly gather up the relevant data to form a cohesive report.

All this spare time that Trader software has saved you can soon add up! You’ll soon be able to use these spare man-hours to work towards expanding your business, training your staff, or giving yourself a well-earned break. Speak to us now to arrange a free demonstration of our point-of-sale software.