There’s good news for traders, merchants and other users of our EPOS software at this festive time of the year as the UK’s first Small Business Saturday was held last week. The event was accompanied by fresh promises from the government to support small and medium businesses through the economic recovery.

Vince Cable, the business secretary, marked Small Business Saturday by reiterating that he wanted to remove the “unnecessary burdens” that small businesses had to deal with, including access to cheap and fast broadband services. According to a report from the BBC, the government also hopes to make it easier for businesses to switch energy suppliers, and want to put legislation in place that deals with late payments.

The Prime Minister also spoke of the importance of smaller businesses, saying that, "They account for 99 in every 100 businesses and keep more than 11 million people in work – so this isn't about sentimentality; it's about the future of Britain, creating jobs and turning our economy around."

Small Business Saturday started as a campaign from American Express in 2010 to encourage the public to turn to small, brick-and-mortar businesses instead of larger companies and online retailers. The annual event has grown during each of the following years, with 2013 marking the first year of its celebration in the UK.

Integrity Trader is happy to see the government’s latest pledge of support for small businesses. Users of our point of sale and stock control software are used to staying at the forefront of technological advances, and we recognise the importance of improved broadband connections for our customers. If you want to upgrade the software that your small business is using, contact us now for details.