Trader is software built specifically for builders’ merchants, timber merchants and hardware stores. Find out more about it here.


Upgrading software is a big decision for any company in any sector. You may have concerns about the transition – will my business grind to a halt? What if something goes wrong? How will I have time to train my staff how to use the new software? And of course the most important question: will it be worth it?

Such concerns are understandable – given the reliance many of today’s companies have on software. However, if you’re beginning to feel frustrated by the limitations of your current software solution, delaying the upgrade will only further hold you back. The first step in the upgrade process is to arrange a demonstration. There are many builders’ merchants software solutions on the market, and it’s tricky to make a choice without seeing them in action. That’s why we offer free demos to potential new clients. Here’s why you should request a demo of Trader today...


#1: First contact

It’s not only the software itself that’ll be of interest to you during a demonstration. It’ll also be the first chance you have to see the Integrity team in action. If you decide to become a client of Trader, you’ll want to know that the team behind the product is competent, helpful and knowledgeable. 


#2: User experience

All the product’s functions may look fantastic written down on paper, but if you’re met with an impossible to use piece of software when you first start it up after purchase you’ll be frustrated that you never had the chance to see it in action before you signed up. Here at Trader, we believe that the quality and ease of use of our software will impress you during the demonstration. We also recognise that it’s important for you to see how the software works in practice.


#3: Growth beckons

It’s been a tough few years for hardware stores and builders’ merchants, as the post-recession recovery has crawled along at a sluggish pace. Finally, it seems that growth will be sustained for the near future. There’s no better time to push ahead with your expansion plans and upgrade your software to ensure that you have the foundations to grow. Instead of splashing out on a software package that you’re unsure of, seek a demonstration of Trader so that you can make this crucial decision with confidence.


#4: You’re in good company

Trader has transformed the fortunes of hundreds of builders’ merchants, timber merchants and hardware stores across the UK and Ireland. Many of these relationships started off with a quick demo – and all of these companies decided to go with Trader as a result. Find out what all the fuss is about by arranging a demonstration of our software.


#5: You have nothing to lose...

...and everything to gain. A free demo of builders’ merchant software could give you the impetus to modernise your business and save you vast amounts of time and money. 

Convinced? Get in touch to arrange an appointment where we’ll show you builders’ merchant software in action.