Taj and Thames Building Supplies have only been using Integrity Trader since March of 2013, but already they’re beginning to notice a difference in the way the company operates. Integrity Trader’s point-of-sale functionality is ‘sharp and quick,’ says Taj, and the system is user friendly enough for all shop floor employees to benefit.

Already, Taj has begun to notice improvements amongst the company’s core retail processes thanks to Trader, and the detailed reports the system produces are already helping to provide information that can be used to take the company forwards.

Looking to the future, Taj is hoping to begin experimenting with Trader’s stock management functionality, replacing the company’s existing inaccurate, manual stocktaking processes with a far more efficient and automated approach.

Although Thames Building Supplies’ relationship with Integrity Trader has thus far been short lived, our support staff have helped to make implementation as smooth and glitch-free as possible. Taj is looking forward to seeing how Integrity Trader will grow and develop alongside his business in future.