Trader™ provides a stock control, point of sale and accounting solution for Plumbers Merchants

Our Trader™ software combines powerful accounting functionality with stock & sales management to create a complete business management system for Plumbers Merchants.

  • Sales / Purchase Order Processing
  • Powerful, flexible Point of Sale module
  • Stock Control / Cycle Counting
  • Contract pricing
  • Promotions / Special offers
  • Barcode Management
  • Quotations management
  • Fully integrated financial suite
  • Business reporting & analysis

Key benefits for Plumbing & Heating Merchants and Suppliers;
Flexible quotations module

  • Quotations can be prepared either using quotation module or point of sale.

Powerful pricing options in quotation for cost price (current, landed, average or quote specific) and retail price (full control over markup/margin).

Overall price / margin can be set for quote. Quotes can be partially or completely converted to a sales invoice. Stock check facility on quotation screen. Quotes can be copied / reused.

  • Quick, flexible product searching

Detailed product searching allowing search on complete or partial product code, description, barcode, part number, supplier, product category or keyword.

This enables operator to find required product efficiently and easily in particular products with no barcode.

  • Detailed contract pricing module

Powerful contract pricing module that allows for very focused customer specific price lists.

  • Flexible margin control

Extensive margin rules can be structures based on product categories and/ or staff levels.

  • Stock control & cycle counting

Products can be categorised by department, group, subgroup, type, ABC and status.

Re order levels can be manually or automatically set to aid in managing & replenishing stock. Flexible stock take methods from complete stock take to ongoing cycle counting of product sections.